The project coordinator is Professor Nina F. Thornhill. She has been ABB/Royal Academy of Engineering Chair of Process Automation in the Department of Chemical Engineering in Imperial College since 2007. Her extensive experience as a professor and as a researcher in the industrial sector makes her the ideal person to coordinate this project which involves large institutions (Imperial College, ETH, Cranfield University, Carnegie Mellon, Polytechnic of Krakow) and companies (ABB, BASF, ThyssenKrupp, Statoil).
She is one of the main contributors of the construction of the ABB Control Room in Imperial College . This state-of-the art facility, completed in 2012, is the nerve centre of the Imperial College Carbon Capture Pilot Plant. She is also the coordinator of a second large project named REAL-SMART project (started in 2010) dealing with measurement-based monitoring and management of high voltage transmission grids.
More information about Professor Thornhill’s actions and interests can be seen here.
Ms Cristina Romano is the European Projects Administrator.